Celebrating 20 Years
A lot has happened in the last two decades. But, one thing stands out: CGA has been the “power behind the power” delivering our Midwest renewable energy for 20 years.

CGA has spent 20 years working “behind the light switch” to drive incredible progress for renewable energy in the Midwest, and we’re well on our way to a sustainable future of renewable energy. From advocating for policies to drive demand to ensuring there is a road to the electricity market for renewables, our work is the foundation upon which a renewable energy future is built.
As we celebrate throughout the next 12 months, we’ll be sharing some highlights from our past, exploring our vision for the future, and envisioning how CGA will help shape the future of renewable energy development in the Midwest.
We hope you’ll join us in celebrating this important milestone in our history!
Here’s what you can do:
You can show your support for Clean Grid Alliance by making a special contribution to support our work to Advance Renewable Energy in the Midwest. A monthly gift of $20 would help enable us to continue our advocacy for the benefits of renewable energy.
Don’t miss out on our special anniversary celebrations!
- June 7, 2022 - CGA Year-Long 20th Anniversary Celebration "Wrap" Party | Erickson Farmstead, Isanti, MN
Check out our Wrap Party Video here.
Check out our Highlight Reel from the Wrap Party.
- November 4, 2021 - CGA Fall Regional Conference
Check out our YouTube Channel to watch break-out sessions
Be sure to sign up for our Champions Newsletter, and encourage others to support our work to advance renewable energy in the Midwest.
Social Media
Please follow our social media, and join us in celebrating our anniversary by sharing what clean energy means to you and why you support CGA on social media using our hashtags: #behindthepower, #behindthelightswitch, #cga20.
Be sure to use the social media graphics in our social media toolkit!
- 2001
May 01Wind on the Wires is Launched
Launched as the centerpiece of a $4.5 million, 2-year project of the Izaak Walton League to develop renewable energy resources by the McKnight Foundation and the Energy Foundation. The project was unveiled May 1 at the National Wind Coordinating Committee (NWCC) Upper Midwest Transmission Workshop in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Jun 12First Steering Committee Meeting
The first Steering Committee was held June 12, 2001. The original goals & Objectives were to:
- Remove botttlenecks in the transmission system for wind
- Identify high priority upgrades
- Work with utilities, state and federal regulators and local communities to complete the upgrades
- Provide wind energy with equal access to transmission lines and fair rates for transmission service.
- Identify decision-makers at the local, state and federal levels and enlist their support for transmission improvements. Educate key decision-makers on the benefits of wind power for the region.
- Remove botttlenecks in the transmission system for wind
- 2002
Mar 12Transmission Workshop
WOW and NWCC sponsored a transmission workshop in St. Paul, Minn. The Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) transmission planners were active participants in the workshop and educated attendees on the MISO transmission planning process. In turn, the wind developers and other participants conveyed to MISO transmission planners the need for long-term, comprehensive transmission planning that takes into consideration wind development plans for the Midwest.
2002First Big Transmission Case
Began work on the Sioux Falls-Lakefield Junction. This 92-mile 345 kV transmission line enabled the Buffalo Ridge wind farms in southwestern Minnesota.
Jun 01Midwest Wind Development Plan Projects 10,000 MW
Together with the American Wind Energy Association, Wind on the Wires developed the Midwest Wind Development Plan (Plan). The Plan was submitted to MISO on June 1, 2002 for consideration in the MISO transmission expansion planning process. The plan projects new wind power development in the Midwest during the 2003-2007 timeframe at 5,500 MW with a new wind power for high transmission case at an additional 4,500 MW, for a total of 10,000 MW.
On June 20, 2002, MISO recommended using the "high wind scenario" of 10,000 MW in their transmission planning process.
Jun 03Beth Soholt Named Executive Director
The WOW steering committee approved the recommendation to name Beth Soholt as WOW’s first executive director. The steering committee also approved a plan to hire a half-time program assistant and to extend the existing contract with technical consultant Matt Schuerger.
- 2003
2003MTEP 03 Enables 10,000 MW Wind
MTEP 03 was WOW's first big project aimed at increasing the amount of wind energy on the MISO system.
- 2005
2005Strategic Planning Retreat #1
The steering committee and the early "brain trust" gathered for dinner at Buca di Beppo in St. Paul during a strategic planning session in 2005.
Click here for a short video of others who attended this event.
- 2008
Sep 18Upper Midwest Transmission Development Initiative
WOW got the Governors from five Midwestern states together to help advocate for the Multi-Value Project portfolio of transmission lines. Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota, and the governors of Iowa, Wisconsin, North Dakota and South Dakota coordinated their efforts among state regulatory agencies, transmission companies, utilities, independent generation owners and their stakeholders to work with MISO on transmission planning studies. The goal of the UMTDI project was to identify wind generation resources, transmission projects and infrastructure needed to support those resources in a cost-effective manner.
- 2010
2010Broad Cost Allocation Approved by MISO and FERC
WOW advocated for a broad cost allocation approach to pay for new transmission lines needed to delivery wind energy to the electric grid. In 2010, MISO and FERC approved the cost allocation solution put forth by WOW.
- 2011
2011MVP Transmission Lines
Wind on the Wires advocated for the broad cost allocation of the $10 billion 17-line Multi-Value Project portfolio of transmission lines. These lines had the capability to deliver 25,000 - 29,000 megawatts of renewable energy around the Midwest.
- 2012
Dec 12President Bill Clinton Headlines First Gala Event
- 2015
2015Strategic Planning Retreat
WOW's board of directors held a strategic planning retreat, which included a hard look at our overall vision and misssion.
A new mission statement was unveiled: "Advancing renewable energy in the Midwest."
This broader mission reflects our work and allows us to include work in solar, storage and other emerging technologies that provide further benefit to customers. This broader focus further recognizes that WOW members have also expanded their work beyond wind, and propted a refresh of our logo as well.
- 2016
2016Excellence in Transmission Advocacy Award
Wind on the Wires received a special achievement award for Excellence in Transmission Advocacy at the 2016 Windpower Conference. Specifically, WOW was recognized for our work on MISO's Multi Value Projects, which have allowed 14 GW of wind to be delivered, will provide $13-50 billion in net benefits over the next 20- 40 years, and will result in consumer savings 2.6 to 3.9 times more than the cost of the new transmission.
- 2017
Sep 08Support for the CapX2020 Transmission Projects
WOW supported the CapX2020 transmission lines, which were comprised of five specific lines and more than 800 miles of new high-voltage transmission lines that were energized between 2012 and Sept. 8, 2017 when the Big Stone South-Brookings Country transmision line was energized. These lines enabled 3,600 MW of wind development in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Beth Soholt spoke at the event saying, “Major transmission lines, like the CapX2020 project, are helping to unlock the potential for a major build out of wind energy in the Midwest, while also offering important reliability benefits for customers."
- 2018
Sep 11Name Change to Clean Grid Alliance
During the first "Wake up with WOW" benefit breakfast, it was announced that Wind on the Wires was rebranding. Rebranding was a necessary, thoughtful and deep dive into the essence of our brand attributes and our core work areas. Although Wind on the Wires was a much-loved name and logo, and served us very well, it was time to move forward with a name that encapsulated our work and our vision, and would help us better connect with potential new members and funders. After much reflection, and a very deliberate process, we felt 'Clean Grid Alliance' best defined the work we do and the partnerships that we develop with our members and colleague organizations to achieve our purpose of 'delivering Midwest renewable energy.’ Ellen Anderson, Executive Director of the Energy Transition Lab at the University of Minnesota, also announced that the Minnesota Energy Storage Alliance (MESA) would become a program of Clean Grid Alliance.
- 2019
2019MISO Market Reform Tour
Beth Soholt and Natalie McIntire arranged and facilitated several meetings with commissioners and staff from MN, IA, WI, IN, MO, MS, MI, SD, and New Orleans to discuss market issues in MISO related to the conclusions of the Power Markets of the Future report put out by the Wind Solar Alliance. The focus was on the need to create or adjust market products or structures to facilitate the changing resource mix in the MISO footprint. We urged creation of a seasonable capacity construct (which MISO is already exploring under the RAN effort), support for the RIIA study, and the need for holistic transmission planning that addresses reliability and economic planning as well as generator interconnection issues .
Aug 16Intervened into the Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission Line Case
CGA intervened with MCEA and Fresh Energy into the Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission line case -- the last of the MVP lines to move through the state regulatory process.
CGA held a press conference at the Wisconsin State Capitol highlighting the benefits of the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line. The press event included representatives from Apex Clean Energy, EDF Renewables, MJ Electric and the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy. Together, we made a strong case for the line and the opportunities it would provide to Wisconsin. Five media outlets covered the event. Wisconsin Eye live-streamed the event. Three newspaper articles were published and the ABC affiliate WKOW-TV ran a spot.
- 2020
Oct 09Presented a Leadership and Innovation Award to Great River Energy
At the "Start your Day with CGA" virtual breakfast event entitled, "Delivering a Renewable Energy Future,” CGA presented David Saggau with a Leadership and Innovation Award.
“Over the past decade, CGA has been fortunate to work closely with Great River Energy and witness the track record of success that the GRE leadership team and company have achieved including clean energy and carbon reduction, adopting renewables, electrification, leading on building new transmission through the CapX2020 initiative, working on long-duration energy storage, service to members, and fiscal excellence. As a cooperative utility that is member owned, at the end of the day, GRE must meet member expectations while being fiscally prudent for those who pay the bills.”
- 2021
Mar 25CGA Receives ESIG Excellence Award
Beth Soholt received an Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG) Award for leadership in advancing the understanding of the need for transmission for wind integration in the Upper Midwest.