
Accelerating renewable energy’s path to the electric grid and advancing Midwest clean energy

Our Work at MISO

Why talk transmission?
It can take over 10 years to plan & construct new transmission infrastructure. There's no time to waste!
With 70% of transmission lines over 25 years old, the ASCE ranked America’s power grid infrastructure an unacceptable D+.
Estimated Jobs
Supported by the construction and operation of MISO's historic Tranche 2.1 portfolio.

How does CGA drive transmission development?

Transmission is critical to delivering low-cost energy when and where it is needed. Achieving a clean energy future requires a robust and reliable grid. Time is of the essence! 

CGA advocates for transmission during the MISO stakeholder processes, at state regulatory commissions, and in the media. The result? A robust grid makes everything better. The grid can accept more renewable generation than ever before, enables coal plant retirements, and ensures a more reliable system for consumers. 


  • Use existing fossil resource transmission rights for new renewable resources
  • Better use of the existing grid
  • Equitable distribution of new transmission costs
    • FERC approves MISO and SPP JTIQ filings, including reasonable cost allocation
    • US DOE funds 50% of the cost of JTIQ transmission lines
  • Plan and approve regional grid expansion that supports decarbonization
  • Identify and build interregional transmission lines to improve reliability, provide access to lower-cost energy, and enable more renewable generation
  • Build a coalition to support new transmission lines
  • One transmission planning process for reliability, economic, and interconnection needs
  • Transmission Planning
    • Refresh Future 2 to:
      • Accurately reflect all current state energy policy and federal IRA opportunities
      • Include reasonable projections of storage and hybrid resources
  • LRTP 
    • Timely approval of state permits and siting/routing for Tranche 1 & Tranche 2
  • Grain Belt transmission line receives all permits to build


We accelerate transmission toward a clean energy future–together.
20 Years Representing the Environmental Sector
CGA serves on MISO's Advisory Committee and Planning Advisory Committee on behalf of the Environmental Sector.
LRTP Tranche 2 Lines Approved Dec. 12, 2024
Long Range Transmission Plan Tranche 2 includes 24 high-voltage transmission lines that are projected to deliver at least $23.1 billion in net benefits over the first 20 years of service. They will help accommodate the delivery of nearly 116 Gigawatts of new low-cost, reliable, renewable energy.
Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission Line is Approved
Energized on Sept. 27, 2024. More than 24,000 Megawatts of clean, affordable, reliable energy, plus improved grid reliability is now possible because the this line has been energized.
Endorsed LRTP and cost allocation
Supported MISO's Long Range Transmission Planning Process and cost allocation discussions, which are expected to result in $10 - $30 billion in approved transmission additions in 2022 and beyond.
CapX2020 enables strong wind growth
Completed the $1.7 billion CapX2020 Group I new transmission project in MN, WI, ND & SD to support robust wind power development in the region.
MISO MVP Portfolio
Successfully advocated for the MISO MVP portfolio of 17 transmission lines and equitable cost allocation, which enabled 25,000 MW of renewables.
Continuous Improvement in Interconnection
CGA's education and advocacy has resulted in 4 major queue reform changes that have made MISO's interconnection process a national model.
MTEP includes higher renewables; greater decarbonization
Advocated for including higher penetration of renewable energy in transmission planning studies at MISO.
Supported RIIA
Supported MISO's Renewable Integration Impact Assessment, which is helping justify the need for significantly more transmission.
BLOG | Oct 12, 2023

What is the “grid” and why is transmission important?