
Strong storage infrastructure can bring down energy costs by increasing grid efficiency and improving reliability and flexibility.

Our Work at MISO

Why is Storage Significant?
15,158 MW
U.S. battery storage capacity
Up from 47 MW in 2010
Overall Growth
5,865 MW of battery storage installed in 2023 nationwide.
60+ GW
Storage Projects
In the MISO Queue

Why is storage significant?

The sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't move 24 hours a day. But, the sun is always shining and the wind is always moving – somewhere. Low-cost renewable energy production ebbs and flows, but a diverse electric grid coupled with investments in energy storage ensures reliability and resilience for generations to come.

CGA supports competitive and reliable energy storage systems across the Midwest. Our advocacy is based on the vast range of benefits energy storage provides. It can integrate resources, reduce negative environmental impacts, save customers money, and increase the reliability and resilience of the grid. Battery storage is economic today and ready to address many of the challenges our grid faces – now and into the future.  


  • Increase deployment of storage, especially near or colocated with renewables, to reduce congestion on transmission lines.
  • Allow both utilities and renewable energy developers to own Storage as a Transmission Only Assets (SATOAs).
  • Develop policies to accommodate long-term storage (>2-4-hour storage), which can significantly advance renewable energy deployment toward a 100% renewable grid.
  • Advocate for developing and implementing market rules for wind-storage and solar-storage hybrid resources.



CGA is laying the groundwork for storage to enhance grid reliability & flexibility
Reducing interconnection costs
MISO granted CGA's request to review Energy Storage dispatch in the shoulder study case. Storage is intended to reduce congestion. CGA successfully pushed MISO to stop studying storage withdrawal under peak conditions.
Championing Storage
Advocated for the adoption of 1,000 MW solar/wind/storage rather than new natural gas in a utility Integrated Resource Plan in Minnesota.
Keeping MISO on track
CGA organized a coalition urging FERC to keep the current Order 841 implementation date, i.e., no 3-year delay.
Streamlined Storage additions in Surplus Interconnection requests
CGA successfully advocated to keep storage in Surplus Interconnection Requests prior to signing Generator Interconnection Agreements (GIA).
BLOG | Feb 27, 2025

Energy Storage Is Ready to Meet the Midwest's Rising Energy Demand