Our Story

The renewable energy revolution is here. And we’re getting the grid ready for it. Clean Grid Alliance addresses one of the most important issues of our time by advocating for renewable energy policy and building the foundational infrastructure for a Midwest run on clean energy.

Support Our Work

Our Mission is
to Advance
Renewable Energy
in the Midwest


We offer technical expertise, extensive policy experience, and informed advocacy for solar, wind, storage and transmission.


Renewable energy developers, supply chain businesses, farm groups, environmental advocacy groups, staff, citizens–together we stand, and together we're committed to delivering a clean energy future


We share strategy and insight with our members and partners, and offer engaging educational resources to expand public support for renewables.

Midwest Focused







North Dakota

South Dakota





We work seamlessly across the Midwest. Advancing a future of clean, renewable energy with advocacy, partnership, and education.

We focus on 4 key sectors of the renewable energy ecosystem

At the capitol, on the grid, across the heartland – we deliver real progress and change – paving the way toward a clean energy future driven by Midwest renewable energy.

Our Energy Experts

Clean Grid Alliance is an outstanding team with a passion for a renewable energy future and the skills and experience necessary to make the dream a reality. Our staff and consultants provide expertise, strategy, and influence in law, engineering, communications, and policy.

Meet Our Team
20 years of outstanding energy achievements
Evolved a 2 year project into 20 years of clean energy advocacy.
100% Clean Energy Bills Pass
In 2023, Minnesota and Michigan passed historic 100% clean energy by 2040 bills. Illinois passed a statewide siting and permitting bill. All will pave the way toward a clean energy future.
20+ years of growth
Expanded from 700 MW of wind in 2001 to more than 51,000 MW of wind, solar and storage on the grid today.
Financial Strength
Grew to a $3 million organization
Growing Membership
Expanded to more than 60 active member organizations
Advocated for the broad cost allocation of MISO’s $10 billion 17-line Multi-Value Project portfolio of transmission lines, which delivered more than 25,000 MW of renewable energy around the Midwest.