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What is energy storage and what are the benefits of it?

Energy storage is a "stretch" resource that allows excess energy to be stored until it is needed. It helps bridge the gaps inherent in the output from variable resources like wind and solar, and it can also stretch the number of hours that are powered by clean, affordable renewable energy.

There are many forms of energy storage such as: pumped hydroelectric, thermal energy, compressed air, and flywheel storage. The most common form of energy storage being pursued today, and the one we are most familiar with, is battery storage -- most commonly, lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are used at large scale battery storage plants to save large amounts of energy that otherwise would have gone unused.

Top 5 Benefits of Energy Storage: 

  1. Increases Reliability and Resilience of the Grid
  2. Saves Consumers Money
  3. Integrates More Renewables
  4. Reduces the Amount of Wasted Energy
  5. Reduces Negative Environmental Impacts

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