 |  Sep 27, 2024

Clean Grid Alliance Cheers as Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission Line is Energized

Final MISO MVP Transmission Line Crosses the Finish Line


SAINT PAUL, MINN. (September 27, 2024) - The Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission Line was energized late yesterday and is now fully able to deliver energy generated from approximately 160 wind and solar projects across the Midwest, while helping to maintain the reliability of the grid.

"Finally! We can now celebrate the ability to deliver more than 24,000 Megawatts of clean, affordable, reliable energy, plus the added benefit of improved grid reliability; all of which is now possible because the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line has been energized," said Clean Grid Alliance Executive Director Beth Soholt. "This has been a very long time coming and we are thrilled that it is fully in service."

The Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) identified 17 high-voltage transmission lines in December 2011 that would improve the reliability of the electric grid in nine Upper Midwestern states, facilitate an economic energy market, and help states meet clean energy goals. The Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission Line is the last of these Multi-Value Projects (MVP) to become energized, after delays caused by unsuccessful and unnecessary legal challenges.

A robust electric grid allows electricity to be re-directed wherever it is needed, like during severe weather events, and improves the overall reliability of the grid. The Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line will connect renewable energy projects from Iowa, Minnesota, the Dakotas and Wisconsin, and saves approximately $151 million by eliminating the need to upgrade 13 other lower-voltage transmission projects.

"We applaud ATC, ITC, and Dairyland Power for their tireless efforts in getting this much-needed transmission line across the finish line at long last," said Soholt.

What's next?

"A lot has changed in the last decade. Our economy is becoming more electrified. More people want electric vehicles. More household appliances are electric, and our phones and countless other gadgets require charging. Add to that the large load growth that is coming from data centers, manufacturing plants, and A.I., and it becomes clear that more transmission is needed to serve the growing demand for energy," said Soholt.

But transmission lines beyond Cardinal-Hickory Creek are needed. In July 2022, MISO announced the next portfolio of transmission upgrades needed to meet the Midwest's growing energy needs. The Long Range Transmission Plan (LRTP) Tranche 1 includes 18 projects that will further support the delivery of renewables and ensure the reliability and resiliency of the grid. These lines are needed to accommodate the increased electrification of the economy, frequency of extreme weather events, and to address the aging existing transmission infrastructure.

The LRTP lines will bring economic development and jobs to communities during construction. "I am pleased by how quickly utilities have put their applications for the Tranche 1 lines together to begin the permitting process," said Soholt. "Utilities in the Midwest have shown that they can successfully complete such large infrastructure projects and deliver reliability to consumers. We are hopeful this tranche of lines will go smoothly and quickly, and CGA is doing everything we can to ensure timely completion of needed transmission. We just cannot wait 13 years for infrastructure that is this important."


Clean Grid Alliance (CGA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in St. Paul, Minn., whose mission is to advance renewable energy in the Midwest. CGA has been an active stakeholder in the MISO process at the state and regional levels and a leading organization working on transforming state energy policy. CGA's membership includes industry representatives working in wind, solar and storage as well as environmental nonprofit organizations, public interest groups, clean energy advocates, farm groups, and businesses providing goods and services to the clean energy industry who come together to reduce carbon and deliver a clean energy future. Learn more at