 |  Dec 12, 2024

CGA Praises MISO's Tranche 2 Long-Range Transmission Line Portfolio

ST. PAUL, MINN. (December 12, 2024) – Today, the Board of Directors of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) approved a second tranche of regional transmission projects that will deliver multiple benefits for residents including low-cost, clean energy, jobs, and improves the ability of our electric grid to maintain reliability.

LRTP_2.1_MapThe portfolio, known as Tranche 2.1 of the region's Long Range Transmission Planning (LRTP) process, builds upon the 18 projects MISO approved in 2022. It includes 24 high-voltage transmission lines that are projected to deliver at least $23.1 billion in net benefits over the first 20 years of service. They will help accommodate the delivery of nearly 116 Gigawatts (GW) of new low-cost, reliable, renewable energy that will help keep energy prices low for consumers while meeting demand growth and reliability demands, especially during increasingly frequent severe weather events.

Clean Grid Alliance is extremely pleased by the decision of MISO's board of directors to approve the Tranche 2.1 portfolio of transmission lines. "Today's news is yet another ground-breaking decision that helps the Midwest meet the significant need for transmission to deliver the reliability we all expect," said Clean Grid Alliance Executive Director Beth Soholt. "We must continue to invest in our power grid. America's economic future depends on it."

The LRTP Tranche 2.1 portfolio of transmission project benefits include:

  1. Enhancing Energy Generation: The new lines will facilitate nearly 116 gigawatts of new generation capacity, primarily from solar, wind, and battery storage, enabling reliable and cost-effective access to clean energy.
  2. Job Creation: The construction of these lines is projected to create up to 130,000 jobs, including 65,000 direct jobs in construction, and up to $24 million in economic output throughout the region.
  3. Supporting Renewable Projects: The infrastructure will enable the development of nearly 100 gigawatts of renewable energy projects, supporting an estimated 745,000 jobs over time, enough to power about 24 million homes.
  4. Cost Savings for Consumers: By avoiding the construction of 20 large power plants, the project will save consumers approximately $16.3 billion while enhancing grid efficiency and reliability.
  5. Prevention of Power Outages: The new lines will reduce the risk of overloaded lines and blackouts, providing reliability worth an estimated $14.8 billion in energy savings.
  6. Reduced Congestion = Reduced Energy Costs: More transmission will reduce congestion and enable MISO to tap the lowest-cost resources available on the grid, leading to savings of $8.1-$11.3 billion for consumers over 20-40 years.
  7. Reduced Risks from Extreme Weather Impacts: Improving the ability to move available energy resources across the region reduces the risk of energy shortages during extreme weather events.
  8. Minimizing Climate Impact: With increased renewable energy capacity, the project will significantly reduce carbon pollution, offering financial benefits estimated between $7 billion and $37 billion in decarbonization over the next 20-40 years.
  9. Reduce Energy Loss: The upgraded lines will decrease energy losses during transmission, resulting in further savings of $1.6-$2.4 billion in energy and $1.9-$2.2 billion in capacity savings.
  10. Avoided Transmission Investment: Building new regional transmission lines will eliminate the need to replace 700 miles of old equipment.

Collectively, these benefits demonstrate the value of the LRTP Tranche 2 portfolio in enhancing system reliability, reducing costs, and supporting decarbonization efforts, as well as fostering economic growth and contributing to a sustainable energy future for the Midwest.

Clean Grid Alliance has always been an advocate for transmission projects that can help deliver renewable energy and transform the grid as we electrify the economy. CGA supported the Multi-Value Projects (MVP), which were approved by MISO in 2011and are fully in service and will be actively supporting Tranche 2.1 lines in the state regulatory approval process.

"The LRTP lines represent a continuation of the great history and leadership that MISO started with the MVPs in supporting reliability, economic markets, and clean energy expansion. All 17 of the MVP lines are in service today, and many of the Tranche 1 lines are underway. America's demand for energy is growing as manufacturing, new data centers and other industries locate in the United States, and these new transmission lines will serve growing load," said Soholt.



Clean Grid Alliance (CGA) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in St. Paul, Minn., whose mission is to advance renewable energy in the Midwest. CGA has been an active stakeholder in the MISO process at the state and regional levels and a leading organization working on transforming state energy policy. CGA's membership includes industry representatives working in wind, solar and storage as well as environmental nonprofit organizations, public interest groups, clean energy advocates, farm groups, and businesses providing goods and services to the clean energy industry who come together to reduce carbon and deliver a clean energy future. Learn more at