Your trusted source for fact-based information about renewable energy.

Get the Facts

It's natural to have questions about the benefits and safety of renewable energy developments. Here is a good place to get the facts. 

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Are wind and solar energy reliable?

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Are wind and solar energy affordable?

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What is energy storage and what are the benefits of it?

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What is transmission and what are the benefits of it?

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How do wind and solar projects benefit farmers and rural communities?

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What is "the grid?"

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What are hybrid power plants and why are they important?

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What happens at the end of a wind turbine's life cycle?

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What happens to solar systems at the end of their life?

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Will clean energy create jobs?

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Do wind or solar farms hurt property values?

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Do renewables require Prime Farmland?

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Are wind and solar farms safe for my health?

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Do wind and solar disrupt wildlife?

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What are some common wind energy myths?

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How do I know if a resource is credible?

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Can native vegetation and pollinator habitats grow under solar panels?

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What are property rights?